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Understanding the Causes and Effective Solutions for Paediatric and Adult Flat Foot Treatment

July 27, 2023


Understanding the Causes and Effective Solutions for Paediatric and Adult Flat Foot Treatment

July 27, 2023

Insole, Foot Orthotics, and Flat Feet Treatment: A Comprehensive Guide

Flat foot, also known as pes planus, is a common condition that affects both children and adults. It occurs when the arches of the feet collapse, causing the entire sole to make contact with the ground. While some individuals with flat feet may not experience any discomfort, others may suffer from pain and difficulties in walking or engaging in physical activities. We will delve into the causes of pediatric and adult flat foot and explore effective treatment options to alleviate symptoms and improve overall foot health.

The Role of Insoles and Foot Orthotics:

  • Insoles: Insoles, also known as shoe inserts or foot orthotics, are contoured support inserts that fit inside the shoe. They offer additional cushioning, shock absorption, and arch support, alleviating the pressure on the foot’s soft tissues. Insoles can be beneficial for individuals with flat feet or over-pronation. It is also used to treat plantar fasciitis, heel pain, metatarsalgia, shin pain, collapsed arches, bunions and Achilles tendonitis etc., as they provide immediate relief from discomfort and distribute weight more evenly across the foot.

Common symptoms of flat feet in children:

In children, flat feet are relatively common, especially in infants and toddlers. In many cases, flat feet are normal during early childhood and may resolve on their own as the child grows. However, in some cases, flat feet can cause discomfort or lead to other issues. Here are the common symptoms of flat feet in children:

  • Visible Flattening of the Arch: One of the most noticeable signs of flat feet in a child is the absence of an arch or a low arch when the child stands or walks. The entire sole of the foot may appear to touch the ground, rather than having the typical curve in the middle.
  • Foot Pain or Discomfort: Children with flat feet may experience pain or discomfort in their feet, especially after standing or walking for extended periods. The pain is often located in the arch area, heels, or the inner side of the foot.
  • Tired or Achy Feet: Children with flat feet may complain of their feet feeling tired or achy, even after minimal physical activity.
  • Ankle Pain or Instability: Flat feet can lead to overpronation, where the foot rolls excessively inward when walking or running. This can cause ankle pain, instability, or an increased risk of ankle sprains.
  • Difficulty Keeping Up with Physical Activities: Children with flat feet may have difficulty keeping up with their peers during physical activities or sports, as their foot mechanics may not be as efficient.
  • Shoe Wear Patterns: Abnormal wear patterns on shoes, especially on the inner side of the sole, can be an indication of flat feet.
  • Unusual Walking Gait: Some children with flat feet may exhibit an abnormal walking pattern, such as walking with the toes pointed inward or outward.

Benefits of Using Insoles and Foot Orthotics:

  • Pain Relief: Insoles or foot orthotics are known to reduce foot pain and discomfort associated with flat feet. By providing adequate support, they help alleviate strain on the ligaments and tendons in the foot, reducing inflammation and promoting healing.
  • Improved Foot Function: Insoles and foot orthotics help correct abnormal foot motion, such as overpronation, by providing support to the arch and controlling excessive rolling. This improves foot function and reduces the risk of overuse injuries in the feet and lower limbs.
  • Enhanced Shock Absorption: Flat feet can lead to increased impact on the feet and joints during activities like walking and running. Insoles and foot orthotics offer enhanced shock absorption, cushioning the feet and reducing the stress on joints, thus preventing further damage.
  • Increased Muscle Activity: Corrected position of joints enhance the muscle activity and reduce muscle fatigue

Additional Supportive Measures for Flat Feet:

  • Proper Footwear: Choosing the right footwear is crucial for individuals with flat feet. Look for shoes with adequate arch support, a firm heel counter, and a cushioned sole to minimize pressure on the foot.
  • Stretching and Strengthening Exercises: Performing foot and ankle exercises can help strengthen the muscles that support the arch and improve overall foot stability.
  • Avoid Prolonged Standing or High-Impact Activities: Minimize activities that exacerbate foot pain and discomfort, especially those that involve prolonged standing or high-impact movements.


Custom-made orthotic devices may be prescribed to provide additional support and proper alignment. These inserts can be placed inside shoes to promote healthy foot mechanics and alleviate pain.

Adult Flat Foot Treatment:

  • Conservative Approaches: For adults experiencing flat foot and related discomfort, non-surgical treatments are often the first line of action.
  • Custom Orthotics: Custom orthotic devices are a popular option for adult flat foot treatment. These personalized orthotics are designed to support the arches, improve foot alignment, and reduce strain during weight-bearing activities. They can be particularly beneficial for those with flexible flat feet.
  • Physical Therapy: Physical therapy plays a crucial role in adult flat foot treatment. Therapists can help identify and correct muscle imbalances, provide exercises to strengthen the foot and ankle, and improve overall gait mechanics.
  • Surgical Intervention: Surgery is typically considered a last resort for adult flat foot treatment when conservative methods prove ineffective. Surgical procedures aim to reconstruct the arches, realign bones and tendons, and restore normal foot mechanics.

Flat foot is a common condition that affects individuals of all ages. For pediatric cases, observation and conservative approaches are usually sufficient, as many children naturally outgrow flat feet. However, when treatment is necessary, custom foot orthotics, foot muscle specific exercise and supportive measures are recommended. For adults, a combination of non-surgical treatments, custom orthotics, and physical therapy can provide significant relief from flat foot discomfort. In severe cases, surgical intervention may be considered. Seeking professional advice and early intervention are essential to address flat foot issues effectively and maintain optimal foot health throughout life.

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