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Customized moulded seating system- a closer look at special wheelchair solutions in the Middle East

11 months ago


Customized moulded seating system- a closer look at special wheelchair solutions in the Middle East

11 months ago

Individualizing each seating system is always a mandatory step to maximize mobility for disable wheelchair dependent patients to promote independence and therapeutic support of the user. Seating systems are in different types according to the patient age, medical condition, self propelling capabilities and severity of trunk deformities. Asymmetrical and symmetrical seating systems are the two main categories of custom seating systems.

The asymmetric seating system is indicated for those who cannot self-propel the wheelchair with postural deformities such as pelvic obliquity, neuromuscular scoliosis, or some other severe postural deviations in sitting position.

MOBILIS seating specialists individually assess the requirement and design a perfect fitting seating orthosis to address the medical issues. These systems are especially beneficial for those with conditions like cerebral palsy (CP), muscular dystrophy, or other mobility impairments that require a high level of customization and support.

For individuals with special needs, such as those requiring custom-made wheelchairs, the importance of an ergonomically designed seating system cannot be overstated. That’s where moulded seating systems come into play. In the UAE, Mobilis is at the forefront of providing innovative and tailored solutions for special needs individuals, including moulded seating systems, custom-made wheelchairs, and more.

Treatment Goal

When a disabled person is awake, they spend the majority of their time in their wheelchair; therefore, it should be the most comfortable place for them. This promotes sensory integration, activity participation, maintenance of an ideal healthy posture, and other benefits. The few treatment goals with molded seating systems are listed below.

  • Pelvic stabilization Activate back extensors to allow an erection of the trunk
  • Prevent severe structural muscular and skeletal changes
  • Address head, mouth, hand motor deficits, sensory and coordination deficits
  • Address pronounced asymmetric contractures, cervical deformities, hip dislocations
  • Treat/prevent pressure ulcers
  • Improve pulmonary dysfunction and internal organ dysfunctions

Mobilis is your partner in Special Needs Mobility

Mobilis, a leading provider of mobility and assistive solutions in the UAE, is dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with special needs. Here’s how Mobilis is making a difference:

Custom Moulded Seating Solution

Custom-Made Wheelchairs: Mobilis specializes in crafting custom-made wheelchairs tailored to the specific needs and preferences of each user. Whether it’s a power wheelchair for enhanced mobility or a pushchair for pediatric users, Mobilis has a solution

Custom Moulded Seating Solution

Innovative Seating Systems:Mobilis offers an all-inclusive Moulded Seating solution that is designed and produced in the UAE. European seating experts with extensive experience carefully examine the patients and advise them on the best seating option. MOBILIS uses a variety of cutting-edge technologies, including 3D scanning, bean bag molding for measurements, computer-aided design, robotic supporting manufacturing, and more.

Custom Moulded Seating Solution

Expertise and Commitment: With a team of experienced professionals, Mobilis goes beyond providing products. They offer expertise, guidance, and unwavering support to individuals and their families throughout their mobility journey.

Accessible Solutions: Mobilis understands the importance of accessibility. They work closely with individuals, therapists, and healthcare providers to ensure that the right solutions are accessible to all who need them.

In the pursuit of greater mobility and comfort, Mobilis is a trusted partner for individuals with special needs in the UAE and beyond. Your journey to enhanced mobility begins with a commitment to comfort and support, and Mobilis is here to guide you every step of the way.

To explore the world of moulded seating systems and discover how Mobilis can assist you or your loved ones, visit our Mobilis Seating Service here.

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