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Clubfoot: Understanding and Treating the Condition with the Ponseti Method

May 25, 2023


Clubfoot: Understanding and Treating the Condition with the Ponseti Method

May 25, 2023

Clubfoot is a common congenital disorder, occurring in about one in a thousand newborns, affecting the musculoskeletal system. Early detection and proper treatment allow children with clubfoot to lead active and fulfilling lives. The Ponseti method has significantly improved the treatment outcomes for clubfoot, and we will explore its effectiveness and the impact of clubfoot on children in this article.


What is Clubfoot?

Clubfoot, medically referred to as Talipes equinovarus, is a condition characterized by the inward and downward twisting of a newborn’s foot, resulting in an inability to place the sole flat on the ground. The exact cause of this deformity remains largely unknown. While clubfoot is typically painless in infants, without treatment, it can lead to difficulties in walking, discomfort, and potential self-esteem issues as the child grows up.

The Ponseti Method:

Developed by Dr. Ignacio Ponseti, the Ponseti method is a non-surgical, systematic approach for correcting clubfoot. It involves gentle manipulation and casting of the affected foot over a series of weeks to gradually reposition it into the correct alignment. The process typically begins within the first few weeks of a baby’s life and requires regular visits to a qualified healthcare professional experienced in the Ponseti technique.

Treatment Process:

The Ponseti method comprises several stages, each crucial for successful correction:

  • Manipulation: The foot is gently manipulated to stretch and reposition the soft tissues, ligaments, and tendons, aiming to gradually correct the foot’s abnormal position.
  • Casting: After manipulation, the foot is placed in a plaster cast to maintain the corrected position. The cast is changed every week or two as the foot progresses towards proper alignment.
  • Achilles Tenotomy: In some cases, a small surgical procedure called Achilles tenotomy is performed to lengthen the Achilles tendon. This step further facilitates the correction and allows for better mobility of the foot.
  • Bracing: Once the correction is achieved, the child is fitted with special braces (often a Dennis-Brown bar) to maintain the corrected position and prevent relapse. Bracing is typically required for a few years, including during sleep.

Effectiveness and Benefits Ponseti Brace:

The Ponseti method has demonstrated remarkable success rates, with studies reporting over 90% of cases achieving complete correction. This non-invasive approach is highly effective, avoids the risks associated with surgery, and minimizes the need for long-term medical interventions. Additionally, the Ponseti method promotes early mobilization, allowing children to develop normal gait patterns and reducing the chances of related complications.

Clubfoot can present challenges for parents and children, but the Ponseti method provides a successful non-surgical approach to correct it. Early detection and timely treatment initiation are crucial for optimal results. By following the gentle manipulation, casting, and bracing of the Ponseti method, children with clubfoot can achieve improved mobility, reduced discomfort, and a normal, active life. 

We at Mobilis recommend consulting our healthcare professional for proper management and the best outcomes.

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