Touch the Love

Our primary goal by providing an upper limb prosthesis is to restore hand functions, regain their independence, achieve occupational goals, and live a healthy, active life than just providing a device.
Upper Extremity prosthesis is designed specifically for each individual and factors that go into that decision are the patient’s residual limb, activity level, prognosis, employment, and extracurricular activities as well as the patient’s specific goals for a prosthetic device. Whether it’s an upper limb amputation or congenital limb discrepancies, MOBILIS upper limb prosthetic clinic is equipped with most advanced technologies. Our clinicians are with years of experience and knowledge to full fill their functional requirements and to provide rehabilitation guidance. We provide prosthetic solutions for amputation levels ranging from finger and partial hand, to shoulder level and even bilateral (both upper limbs) that give wings to the world of opportunities for an independent life.


Depending on our patient’s lifestyle needs, occupation, and extracurricular activities choosing the appropriate prosthetic components is based on factors including level of amputation, Condition of the residual limb, prognosis, goals for using a prosthesis, and their activity level.
We educate our customers on the range of possibilities and jointly decide what is appropriate for their functional requirements…
There are multiple prosthetic options are available according to the level of amputations.

Prosthetic options for upper extremity

Passive prosthesis [High definition silicon prosthesis] can be used for all levels of amputation. It is used primarily to replace the body part that is missing. This gives a better aesthetic look than functional needs and is also functional in that it can assist the normal sidearm in activities such as holding or placing objects.


Passive or cosmetic prostheses are designed and manufactured to look like natural arms, hands, and fingers. They might not have functional movement, but they may improve a person’s hand function by providing a surface for stabilizing or carrying objects. Moreover, a close resemblance of a prosthetic arm, hand, or fingers to their sound side gives psychological and functional confidence in an inclusive society.

To learn more, visit HD Silicon Prosthesis Solutions.

Myoelectric Prosthesis

Myoelectric (Externally powered) prosthesis includes motors and batteries that provide movement and power to the prosthesis, it uses signals from muscles of the residual limb to control the opening and closing of the prosthetic device or elbow depending on the level of amputation. Sensors are incorporated into the prosthetic socket, and by contracting the muscles of the residual limb, electrical signals are sent to the motors which open and close the hand prosthesis or lift and lower the forearm at the elbow.
Component Selection is made by the prosthetist. They will assess the patient’s stump, individual needs, and goals for life as an amputee including the length and condition of your residual limb, range of motion and strength, your activity level, occupation or leisure activities, and current health status.
Many electrically powered prostheses have the option of being covered with a cosmetic glove. Cosmetic gloves are available in a wide range of skin tones and can even be customized to match the remaining hand as closely as possible.


Activity-Specific Prosthesis

Activity-specific prostheses are designed for some specific activities which are not possible with their existing prosthesis. These types of devices will enable the patient to participate in work, sports, hobbies, and other specialized activities or even daily activities. MOBILIS also use 3D printing technology for such unique requirements.


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